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Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Art Of Sexual Foreplay

Sexual foreplay majorly deals with the psychology and mentality of the individuals who are probably in the act of getting intimate with each other and it involves two or more persons. The initiator in this process is most likely the active sexual partner. Foreplay invokes sexual arousal between both partners. Its magic can never be underestimated as a rather passive or indifferent partner may easily loose guard in this exercise, because it will get into his or her head. Foreplay provokes sexual desire. Kissing, nibbling of partner’s breast, touching can arouse a partner and therefore falls into the category of foreplay. 

The art of foreplay does not necessarily mean physical contact must be involved, on some occasions; foreplay can involve verbal exercise which is communication. This is done by talking dirty to your partner. It qualifies as a foreplay exercise because you are indirectly toying with her psyche. When I say verbally, then Kinky, raunchy talk should be the core communication here.

The art of foreplay should not be one sided as partners will also need to reciprocate the sexual interest so that the exercise will be successful. If your partner is not willing then little or no success may be acquired at the end, so a willing partner allows for a good result.

The art of sexual foreplay is advisable to be practiced by the male folks and with sex therapist helping out in this case because men tend to get to their peak and releases before women during intercourse, so as to avoid being selfish and satisfying yourself alone and leaving your partner half way through reaching her orgasm. In a case whereby the male initiate the art of foreplay before sexual intercourse with his partner, then the lady would have gotten halfway to reaching her orgasm before the actual exercise take place.

Foreplay may also involve partners playing games like the role play game. In this type of game partners choose a particular character and act out some unwritten script which often times that not must involves dirty or raunchy talk which stimulates both partners and they end up having a wonderful and memorable sexual experience.

In the art of foreplay, every member of the body is as important as the male’s penis and the female’s vagina because sensation is sent through them to the brain. Cases of partners cheating on each other is rampant in our society today, and the society will always ask different unanswered questions about what must have led to it the infidelity between the partners.

The answer is never far- fetched, the cheating partner may not be getting enough sexual satisfaction from his/her partner. The sooner couples start learning and putting these practice to action the better their sexual life and the longer they will remain together. In the art of foreplay, it is expected for both partners not to rush things through so as not to miss the excitement attached to foreplay. The art of sexual foreplay makes the passive partner crave and anticipate for what will happen next.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Mutual Masturbation: Sexual Techniques for Couples

Mutual masturbation sounds like an oxymoron. After all, masturbation is something you do by yourself, right? If someone else is in the room, isn’t that just called having sex?

Yes and no. After all, masturbation is its unique sexual activity. It comes with its own set of practices, intentions, and assumptions. And you can bring those into sex with someone else. Masturbating with a partner might mean you're touching yourselves at the same time, or it might mean you are masturbating with your partner in the room, participating, but not through the touch of their own.
Not that you need a list of reasons to try it, but here are a few things people love about mutual masturbation:

    It's another side of you: sharing talk about masturbation and masturbating in your partner’s presence can be a powerful way of sharing a new level of intimacy
    It gives you a chance to learn what your partner likes, and teach your partner what works for you.
    It's a great way to deal with differing sex drives; you don’t both have to be in the mood at the same time.

If you haven't tried it before, here are some tips to get you started.

Wait until the Time Is Right
Don’t pressure yourself (or accept pressure from a partner) to explore mutual masturbation. While it can be a great way to improve your sex life, it's also very intimate and exposing, and you should only do it when the time is right.
If you’re unsure about it, think about what smaller steps you can take to share masturbation with a partner.

Talk about Masturbation with Your Sex Partner
Before you dive in, it’s a good idea to talk about masturbation with your partner. The conversation doesn’t need to be serious, and it could even start as more of a curiosity, sharing stories about when you first masturbated, or how you learned to masturbate. The point is to get masturbation on the table as a topic as a way of gauging both your and your sex partner comfort with the subject.

Honor Your Need and Desire for Privacy
The first time you masturbate with someone else in the room it may feel weird. Most of us have a way we like to masturbate, and for most of us, this includes feeling like we’re alone and have some level of privacy. One way to get over the hump that first time is to keep your eyes closed (or if you don’t want to focus on that, use a blindfold or scarf to cover your eyes). For some persons, this is the simplest way to masturbate in front of a partner for the first time.

Take Turns
One of the best things about masturbating in front of your partner is the lessons learned about what turns you on.

Each of you should get an opportunity to watch the other masturbate without any distractions. The first time you share masturbation, if it feels awkward, you might agree in advance to take turns, one of you starting and masturbating until you’re done, and then the other goes. While simultaneous mutual masturbation can also be fun, letting yourself be the focus of attention can also be both arousing and educational.

Mutual Masturbation Sex Positions
Once you’re comfortable with mutual masturbation in both theory and practice, it's time to mix it up and play with different positions and situations. Doing this can enhance the sexual response you get from masturbation, it can also spark different fantasy scenarios, and lead to more learning for your partner. Try mutual masturbation on different pieces of furniture (if you’re always in bed, try it in a chair, in the shower, on the floor) and experiment with different sex positions.

Masturbating Each Other
While most of us might think that a hands-off-each-other approach is what defines masturbation, dictionary definitions of mutual masturbation usually include touching each other and there’s no reason not to blur that line. This might include you focusing on another part of your partner’s body while they masturbate, or you might be right in the center of the action. You might use parts of each other's bodies in your masturbation technique. Or maybe you come in the right at the end, to help out with the big finish.